Sit down, come in and sit a spell!
How was last week? No really, how was last week?
This is a time where you take center stage and tell me all about what is going on in your life in the last week (or longer!).
It has been a bit warmer for the past week, which is nice and all, but it makes me concerned. It’s February, and this is prime snow time, but there is no snow. In fact, all the snow finally melted due to the abnormally warm weather. We had snow sticking around since early December due to the temperatures, but it is finally all gone. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and a blizzard just appear out of nowhere, but nothing yet!
I’m trying to take it easy today, sip on some lovely peppermint tea, and then do chores like laundry and weekly meal prep. What are you up to?