Some types of plants benefit from having their seeds started indoors, rather than being sown directly outside. So how exactly do you go about that?

There are a variety of ways to do it, but perhaps the simplest is to get one of those seed starting trays with the domed lid. Basically you will add soil to each section of the tray, water it well to saturate the soil, then add your seed to each little section.
Pretty simple, right?
Here’s where I think people go wrong. They only put a single seed in each little indentation. Wait, wait, wait, I hear you, you only want one plant in each little section! Two or three little seedling plants is too many! And you are 100% correct, but what if that one little lonely seed doesn’t germinate? Then you have zero little seedlings in that section.
It happens. Not all seeds will grow. If they all do grow, then we simply thin them out (we’ll talk about that at a later date). By planting multiple seeds in each little section, you are increasing your chances for success. And remember to label what seeds you planted where. No one enjoys playing a guessing game to figure out what plants are where!
Did you know that you should plant multiple seeds in a single section? What do you think about it?