Oh Newsies. That wonderfully terrible Disney movie from the 90’s that was turned into a hit Broadway show.
Let me be up front, I am absolutely biased. I love the Disney movie, even though it was kinda cheesy. I mean, come on, Christian Bale (before his American Pyscho and Batman days) as leader of a group of rag-tag newsboys fighting against the institution? Yes please!
I love the music, so I had high hopes that I would love the Broadway adaptation. I just…don’t. Don’t get me wrong, I like it. I just don’t love it. There were enough plotline changes that it didn’t feel like the same story, more like they were based on the same story. I did super enjoy the singing, dancing, and acrobatic. It just wasn’t what I wanted it to be.
And you know what? That’s ok. It’s entirely possible to enjoy a show for what it is. Which I did. It’s also ok to be disappointed that a show is not what you expected it to be, or what you wanted it to be. Will I watch it again? Of course. It might grow on me the more I see it, now that I know more what to expect.
Have you seen Newsies the musical? Have you seen Newsies the movie? How did you feel about them?