We’ve figured out by now that I like musicals, right? Great.
So onto Hamilton. Here’s the thing – this is a STUNNING show. You should absolutely go see it. As many times as you can. And listen to the soundtrack. Watch the pro shot on Disney+ too.
Why am I saying to rewatch this show over and over? Because it is a lot to take in. This musical uses rap as its musical method of communication, and in case you didn’t know, rap can be fast paced. You really need multiple listens or watches to fully grasp everything that is being said.
To be clear, the lyrics are not hard to understand. They’re just fast. You can miss stuff easily if you aren’t prepared. And, with cast members doubling as other characters in the second act, you can get confused about who is who and what are they doing exactly.
I think the rap puts a lot of people off, as it is very different than what people think of traditionally as a musical. They are wanting the big showstopping number to sing on the way home. This show may not have that (although I’d argue that it absolutely does!), but it is incredibly innovative and a fun watch.
Plus King George is kinda ridiculous and fun to watch. Do it.