Well well well…the weather has taken a turn here lately. It’s February in the Appalachians, which means that anything goes. We had snow, we had 60 degree days, and now we have ice.
Like MEGA ice.
So much ice.
We started with lovely snow, and then it changed to sleet. And then to freezing rain. And now it’s just disgusting.
The snow is basically all gone, but we have a solid half inch or more of ice. Going out the door is an adventure in ice skating without ice skates. The dogs are not impressed. Ever seen a dog do a full Bambi on the frozen pond impression?
The good news is that it’s supposed to warm up a bit later today, so the ice should start to melt. This poses its own set of problems since the falling ice will also freak out the dogs.
I’m staying inside and reading a good book. You should do the same!