Watering is one of the most important tasks in gardening, but did you know there are multiple ways to do it? The method you choose can impact plant health, water efficiency, and even how much effort you need to put in. Some gardeners prefer hand watering for its precision, while others rely on drip irrigation for efficiency. You should also figure out how exactly you are going to water your garden before you choose a location!
Let’s talk about methods.

Hand Watering
Hand watering with a hose or watering can gives you the most control over how much water each plant receives. It’s ideal for plants that need special attention, but it can be time-consuming if you have a large garden. Remember, you are going to have to lug the hose or watering can back and forth, so having to bring them a long distance may be an issue.
Soaker Hoses
Soaker hoses are porous hoses that slowly release water along their length. They’re placed on top of the soil or buried under mulch, delivering moisture directly to plant roots. They eliminate the issue of watering too high, and helps get the water where it needs to go. But it can be a problem figuring out how to set it up initially, especially for beginner gardeners.
Drip Irrigation
Similar to soaker hoses, drip irrigation is a highly efficient system that delivers water directly to plant roots through tubing and emitters. It uses less water than traditional methods and helps plants grow healthier by preventing overwatering. If you have a large garden, this is likely a good choice, but it may be too much for the average home gardener. (At least at first!)
Sprinkler Systems
Lastly, there is obviously sprinkler systems. Sprinklers spray water over a large area, making them ideal for lawns and large flower beds. They come in different styles, from oscillating sprinklers (good for small gardens) to in-ground sprinkler systems (for large spaces). If you have a large area, this might be a good choice, but it’s definitely not my first choice for gardens. Lawns, sure, gardens, I’ll pass.
Self-Watering Containers
There is also a thing called self-watering containers. Self-watering containers have a built-in water reservoir that allows plants to draw moisture as needed. This method is perfect for busy gardeners or those growing plants in pots. Basically you fill the reservoir as needed and the pot does the work for you. These can be great for when you travel, but they aren’t my favorite for every day watering.
No matter which method you choose, watering your garden correctly will keep your plants healthy and productive. Consider your garden’s needs, time commitment, and climate to find the best system for you.