Before I even begin, let me state that I have not actually seen this show live on stage. I have only see the movie version. With that caveat out of the way, let’s talk about it.
I grew up listening to music from the 50’s and 60’s. It’s what my dad listened to, so it’s what I listened to, and I liked it. This means I am very familiar with the music of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. I can sing along with pretty much any of their songs. So this musical/movie intrigued me, it’s a backstory of this group I grew up listening to.
I hated the movie.
Like seriously hated it. I finished it, because I was hoping it would get better. It never did.
Now, with that said, I still do want to see the live show. I can 100% see the movie just not making enough of a connection with the audience. The movie was very dimly lit, so it often felt like we were doing whatever in the dark. Appropriate lighting is your friend! I honestly spent most of the movie going wondering when Christopher Walken was going to show up again.
I am hoping that the live show reaches out and grabs you, but I will have to wait until the tour comes to town for me to find out.
Have you seen the live show? How did it compare to the movie?